Our Services

Our Services

Discover more about our extensive range of professional services. We constantly update this page, but if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us – we will be more than happy to help.

Job Placement

Job Searching

We always put our focus on our customers. We want you to find the placement that perfectly suits your needs, which is why we offer comprehensive job search tools and trainings to help you make an informed decision.

Application Training

We work to ensure that customers are equipped with knowledge and confidence for the job acquisition process. We provide professional advice before you start applying, conducting research and planning for your unique employment process.

Interview Training

We regularly offer training programs and workshops to develop skills for the interview and elevator speech. Our certified specialists are well versed with expert knowledge in navigating the job market.

Supported Employment

Person Centered Planning

Helping customers discover fulfilling  and meaningful opportunities is our top priority. That’s why we believe in person centered planning for all of our services.


Everything we do centers on providing services to help individuals realize their full potential in the workforce. We look forward to building a future with inclusive, integrated environments throughout DFW communities.

Implementing Reasonable Accommodations

We understand that the use of reasonable accommodations can help companies develop efficient procedures and find inspiring solutions. We continually strive for discovering and utilizing innovative tools to assist our customers in being effective in their roles in the workplace.


Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

Guidepost Director, Candace Davis, uses sign language and ASL to assist individuals who use ASL for communication. Individualized training is provided for Job Placement services and on the job communication assistance and skills training assists individuals with learning the workplace policies, procedures, and culture.

BVI Services

Staff members are experienced working with Individuals who are Blind or Visually Impaired including transition students in work experience programs. Additionally, staff attended the Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center's 2020 Blindness Awareness two-day seminar and training to prepare to assist BVI customers for employment services. We continue to seek opportunities to learn useful strategies and accommodations that can be used to overcome workplace challenges for the visually impaired.

ASD Services

Guidepost is staffed by experienced vocational rehabilitation and applied behavior analysis (ABA) specialists, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Ashley Cope, M.S. BCBA, and staff members familiar with transition services and services for teens and young adults with ASD and other developmental delays.

Guidepost is endorsed for providing Autism services and the Environmental Workplace Assessment (EWA). Additionally, Guidepost staff members have participated in the Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Department's summer work experience program, Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL).

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